06 Feb 2/6/2021 – AICR + AARP
This week we’re sharing 2 interviews that focus on physical & mental health. The first interview is with Nigel Brockton, PhD, vice president of research, American Institute for Cancer Research. Nigel discusses the Healthy10 Challenge, which is a focused effort to encourage Americans to adopt healthier habits to reduce risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. He discusses the various ways our current lifestyle habits may be making us more susceptible to certain types of cancer, and how we can make changes now to have lasting impact on our health.
Following that, we will be speaking with Tom Wagenlander, executive director of Wish of a Lifetime from AARP. Wish of a Lifetime is an organization that grants wishes to people 65 and older in recognition of their special accomplishments, contributions and sacrifices. Their recent partnership with AARP is shaping up to expand this program even more, and Tom will be sharing about their efforts centered around Valentine’s Day this year and what they are doing to help the older generations in our communities feel less lonely and isolated- as well as ways that YOU can get involved to help!