How do I homeschool my children?. . . Where do I start?. . .
Learn the differences between homeschooling and virtual schooling. Find out what legal steps you need to take to homeschool your child in Virginia. There will be a time for questions regarding curriculum, field trips, and more!
Megan from the Morning Show and Anne Miller from HEAV (Home Educators Association of Virginia) discuss the many benefits and blessings of homeschooling in such an uncertain time.
Yes, you have the option to return to public school after homeschooling. Your child may be asked to take a placement test or their may be other procedures in your school district. A call to the school guidance counselor ahead of time would be wise. Returning during high school is more difficult.
No, notification to the superintendent is all that is required by the law. They represent the state.
Yes. You may begin homeschooling after the deadline if you decide after August 15. Follow the same procedures.
It is important that you comply with the law BEFORE you remove your child from the school system.
Any child age 5-18 has to be in either public school, private school or homeschooled. As long as your child is in school you can decide to begin homeschcool at anytime during the school year. Otherwise the August 15 deadline is important.
You choose a co-op , but must agree with their requirements in order to participate.
Yes. A huge increase.
If your child is enrolled as a private school student, and the school keeps all records and grades and offers a diploma, then your child is considered a private-school student and not a homeschool student, so you do not need to file a NOI.
Groups are helpful in getting together with other homeschool families in your area for field trips, supplemental classes , sports, etc. You don’t have to be part of a group, but it can make the journey easier when you connect with likeminded families.
There are so many materials available, however, they are not based on the Virginia SOLs. You can ask the publisher for a scope and sequence, which may be helpful in matching up objectives. Homeschooler families don’t need to teach to the SOLs, but if you are planning to send your child back next year, check with your school for their requirements for returning.
The only proof of progress that is required by the law is the annual end of year testing or evaluation to show that your student is working at or above grade level. Your child can finish the course as quickly as they like! It can be a great incentive if they know they can finish early.
Anything by Dr. Kathy Koch and Dr. James Dobson, Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp, The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman, Don’t Make Me Count to Three by Ginger Plowman
The transition can be immediate, but the paperwork is up to the school; testing for grade placement may be required. Check with your local school for the exact details since each district is different.
Your child may have to take a placement test which is typical for any new student. If you are concerned about course content, you can find the SOL requirements on the VDOE website, but you should ALWAYS check with your school to see what they will require. EVERY district has their own requirments.
The cost of homeschooling depends on an array of variables depending upon your budget. I know families who homeschool for $0 using the library and online resources, and I know others who spend thousands on accredited programs and tutors. The average cost is $600 per student per year.
With homeschooling you can combine subjects like science & history, giving assignments that are age appropriate. Use a unit study approach such as Konos, or Valerie Bendt, Unit Studies May Easy. Organization tips:,
We suggest you begin by focusing on math and language arts and help your children gain mastery in these areas. Do read alouds and projects with all grade levels together. Creating a routine and using nap/quiet times to work one-on-one with your older student also can work well. You can also do one-on-one when dad comes home, too.
You could trade off a difficult subject with another homeschool parent who is strong in the subject. You could use a college or high school student or find a professional tutor locally or possibly here:
You could also enroll in a teaching co-op. Look for one in your area:
You could use an interactive, online course or a DVD series.
I recommend a wonderful book call Honey for a Child’s Heart. It has recommendations for all ages with short book reviews.
I have a dyslexic son and The Gift of Dylsexia was a life-changer for us both.;;
Child Diagnositics –; (EXCELLENT site)
There are so many! My Father’s World, Five in a Row, Sonlight, Simply Charlotte Mason are a few great programs.
any phonics reading program
Yes. You must comply with the law if you choose to homeschool.
Any nationally normed standardized achievement test is fine. is a great place to sort out curriculum providers. I used $1.99 LaidLaw math workbooks from the ’60s & ’70s because I knew they covered all the basics my kids would learn in those grades. (I did peek at the SOLs.) There are some inexpensive all-in-one books you can use — just think how to supplement with hands-on learning that reinforces what they are learning. With the inexpensive workbooks I used, I also bought manipulatives to help them work through concepts concretely.
A parent may obtain help from a grandparent as well as a tutor or co-op. Grandparents can be a GREAT help in teaching, reading aloud, field trips, and other learning experiences, as well as child care! They can also teach skills like gardening, cooking, mechanics–whatever they love and want to share! One son rebuilt a backhoe-loader with his grandfather when he was about 15 — it was a tremendous learning and bonding experience. The parent would file the Notice of Intent.
Yes, just subjects to be taught (math, science, art, language arts, social studies, P.E., etc.)
Yes, I did! We did have to replace consumables like workbooks.
Each school has its own policies regarding part-time enrollment. It is up to the local division. Most part-time classes are taken at the high school level, not prior to 9th grade, but again, it is up to the school.
It may mean SPecial EDucation, but without knowing the context it is difficult to say. There IS a tremendous website for stuggling learners: It may be the term used in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that is defined as specially designed instruction to increase the student’s chances for success.
That’s part of the beauty of homeschooling–your child can go at their own rate. Too easy? Move to the next grade. Too challenging? Step back a level. Gradel level is irrelevant — mastery is the goal! You can find an accessment test that is only for your use by having her take a basic skills test for grade placement. You can complete the test online:
Not sure what kind of checklist — here are seven important steps in order to begin:
Yes. According to §22.1-254.1 (A), a parent must submit a Notice of Intent to the division superintendent by August 15 each year he provides home instruction.
If you are enrolled in a private school, you are not required to file a Notice of Intent to Homeschool because your child is not a homeschooled student. Nothing has changed.
Most services are only for students that are enrolled in the public school; however, each district has limited budget money to serve the community, i.e., private and homeschool students. They usually offer OT and speech therapy only. They will take a limited number of students based on funding limits. Check with the school to see what, if anything, they have to offer.
A homeschool student will graduate with a homeschool diploma generated and signed by the parent. It is accepted by colleges, the military, and the workforce. We do not recommend getting a GED as there is still a stigma attached, and they are not well-received by the military and some employers.
Yes, that is correct–only list the subjects you plan to teach, not the books or grade levels.
Yes, the school would review the plan again if your child re-enrolls in public school.